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时间:2024-04-12  阅读:

讲座题目:Do firms inappropriately capitalize development costs? Evidence from China(企业是否策略性地将开发成本资本化?来自中国企业的证据)

主讲人:郑登津 中央财经大学





This study investigates whether firms inappropriately capitalize development costs. We argue that capitalization of development costs should be positively associated with R&D outputs, and absence of such association indicates inappropriate implementation of capitalization. Using data from listed firms in China over the period 2007‒2017, we fail to find evidence of inappropriate capitalization of development costs. Capitalization is, in general, positively associated with R&D outputs, and such association is stronger for State-owned Enterprises and qualified High- and New-technology Enterprises. This association can be strengthened by more restrictive scrutiny; however, it can also be weakened when firms are motivated to meet earnings targets and have higher agency costs and financial constraints. Furthermore, results suggest that capitalization of development costs is significantly and positively associated with current and future firm value, and the correlation is strengthening over time. This study adds to the literature by adopting direct R&D outputs to detect inappropriate capitalization of development cost, and by adding some Chinese evidence and sheds some light on the potential risks involved in the implicit R&D accounting policy choice.


